Kari Lake’s Daughter Accosted at ASU
21-Year-Old was registering voters when assailant soaked her and fled
By Ken Kurson, September 25, 2024 6:54 pm
Just a few weeks into the new school year, Arizona State University seems determined to reclaim its ignoble title from last year as the Southwest’s most inhospitable to anything resembling viewpoint diversity.
An ugly incident involving the daughter of Kari Lake, the 2022 GOP gubernatorial candidate who is now running for US Senate, unfolded today on campus.
Ruby Halperin, 21, was manning a table at what appeared to be a campus-sanctioned event. According to Halperin, “As I was registering voters today at ASU, a radical leftist threw their whole beverage on me and ran away.”
Photos Ms. Halperin posted to Twitter reveal the youngster in a cheeky “Republicans are Hotter” t-shirt, dripping wet, her table and clipboards equally soaked.
Ms. Halperin told the Globe, “Today, while I was registering voters at ASU, a radical leftist threw a drink at me and ran away. I was shocked, then a little bit angry, but now, I’m proud. Because I realized that this means they know they’re losing. This isn’t about my mom. This isn’t about President Trump. This is about us, the young generation, breaking free from all of the liberal indoctrination we’ve been receiving, thinking for ourselves, and proudly declaring that we’re ready to put America First.”
Halperin’s mother, who obviously has inherited her daughter’s outspokenness, pointed out the gap in what she presumes would be the coverage were it a Democrat who was physically intimidated and splashed while registering voters.

“If the tables were turned and a young Democrat was registering other students to vote and a Republican poured a bottle of soda on that Democrat student the news media would be ALL OVER THIS.”
The Globe reached out to Arizona State and was told by a university spokesperson, “We are looking into it. If a student was involved and identified, we will address it via the Student Code of Conduct.”
Globe readers will recall that Arizona State was home to some of last year’s more notorious incidents of intolerance directed at any viewpoint not sanctioned by the progressive elite.
In November, Jewish students had to be escorted home by the police when anti-Israel protestors threw rocks at a meeting of the student government at which Jewish student organizations were asked to present their safety concerns. According to a story in the State Press, the “meeting was adjourned abruptly after some people involved in a rally supporting Palestine outside the Memorial Union threw rocks at the second-floor window to the room where the meeting was being held.”
In a separate incident last Fall, controversial Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan, 12th District) was said to have been invited by the ASU chapter of Students for Justice for Palestine to appear as its guest. That event was later canceled amid much protest.
Meanwhile, Ms. Lake has a theory about why her daughter’s efforts apparently upset the person who accosted her.
“They know that thousands of kids at every university are registering Republican,” tweeted the candidate. “They know that they are losing the young vote because young Americans know their future is on the line and it’s the America First Republican party that wants to make their future great again.“
Halperin sounded a note of similar defiance. She told the Globe: “I’m not going to be intimidated. I’m going to put my head down and work ten times harder until we deliver President Trump, my mom, and the entire AZ GOP ticket a huge victory on November 5th.”
This story has been updated (8:02 pm) to include a quote from Ruby Halperin and from a spokesperson for ASU.
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I thank GOD for Ruby’s strong, courageous stand for RIGHTEOUS CAUSES.
May God send us many more like her.
Love and prayers
Bobbie Taylor
Are you serious? Don’t bring God into this and your prayers are ridiculous for a person like THIS. She automatically says a Radical Leftist threw their whole drink on me. If that isn’t pure automatic judgement on the Dems IDK what is. How do you call yourself Religious? You don’t even understand wrong from right!!!! Wake up. God sees you and all the MAGA haters who hate Democrats just because., it’s disgusting. There’s no need for all this constant judging and attacking.
🛑 STOP supporting it.
MAGA is the pot stirring lying party.
WHY are you enjoying and backing them?
It shows you don’t even understand America, the Constitution and working together.
Gaslighting and praying for these people is useless. They aren’t winning anything!!! Just look at them. BEHAVIORS, LIES, HATRED, Threatening Voters with the Military is UNAMERICAN Divisiveness!!! SICK.
Fascism Autocracy Party is MAGA now. My GOP party was STOLEN, rigged & Hijacked by a Conman FELON CREEP LYING Thug.
Anna knows everything she said is true because she read it on the internet. Scary how easy Americans are being manipulated.
How does she know it was a Democrat? There are plenty of angry Republicans, Independents & unregistered voters who can’t stand Trump w/ his nonstop hatred for Americans, immigrants, legal and illegal, his threats to fellow politicians, fellow voters, women’s bodies, women’s rights, voters rights, the American VOTE!!!! The FACT that he & Vance says the Election was rigged is a load of LIES & the Voters don’t deserve a CON FELON CREEP LYING all the time to our faces. I was a Republican before he ruined my party!!! He destroyed the GOP ✔️. He destroyed people’s trust in the Democratic Voting Process, the DOJ, the FBI, the Anyone who isn’t MAGA is a threat, is vermin, Communist’s, it’s all LIE$. ✔️ The constant lying, deceiving, gaslighting, hypocrisy is unjustified & REPULSIVE. Donald J.Trump is a SHAM hypocrite narcissist gaslighter UNAMERICAN Traitor Bible peddling hypocrite ✔️. His mind is a garbage can that he keeps babbling nonsense on & on about BS that is mostly 99% LIES. Disgusting 🤢
She automatically says..”A Radical Leftist threw their whole drink on me”.
OH MY God!!!! 😂 How ridiculous is this story? She’s just like her wacked out mother Kari. Lake. THAT woman has serious problems. UVF she says repeatedly on stage, UVF… 😆 😂 omg she is incompetent as a fly from Maralago 😂 Give me a break. Poor poor little radical MAGA Trumpers!!!!! They get what they give us…Bullshit. 💩
You dish BS, you’re going to get it back.
🛑 crying Wolf 🐺 constantly!
🛑 LYING 🤥🤡 about everything!!
🛑 making everything about the LEFT.
LOOK 👀 at yourselves! 👁️..your behaviors are disgusting & the ATTACKS on the Democrats is unrealistic.
🛑 the HATRED based stories & the nonstop Divisiveness of the RIGHT 👍
We’ll look at the facts.
A transgender student at Arizona State University (ASU) allegedly assaulted Kari Lake’s daughter, Ruby Halperin, last week while she was registering voters on campus. According to the police report, Rebecca Kimpel threw his entire drink at her, hitting Halperin and her paperwork, and told ASU Police that she was upset about the students talking about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Kimpel was charged with assault and released.
Lake posted on X, “An intolerant student attacked my daughter who was registering a young man to vote on the ASU campus. The trans-student told police he got angry because they were talking about President Trump so he threw a full bottle of soda on my daughter interrupting the process of registering voters. This attempt to intimidate voters is illegal. The mainstream media has given it zero coverage
Cheeky youngster? She’s a 21 yo female adult