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This close-up of the note tacked to the mailboxes speaks of a 'CONFIRMED MAIL THEFT'

Mailed Ballots Reported Stolen in Scottsdale

Housing complex and old folks home said to experience irregularities

By Ken Kurson, October 22, 2024 1:23 pm

Two sources told Arizona Globe that all mail delivered to their housing complex in Scottsdale went missing on two days. This photo of the mailboxes at McDowell Mountain Ranch shows the shared mail facility, where three notices have been posted that claim two entire days of mail were stolen last week.

With ballot security in Arizona becoming not just a state issue but of interest nationally, the Arizona Globe is following a developing story taking place in North Scottsdale. According to a source who lives at McDowell Mountain Ranch, “Tons of ballots have been stolen” by “someone [who] got a master USPS key. Me and many neighbors didn’t get their [mail-in] ballots.”

The source referred the Globe to a different resident, a woman named Leslie Gemmell. Ms Gemmell told the Globe that her mail-in ballot had indeed disappeared. She related that another neighbor, Steve Sunshine, “His mail was missing for a week. Finally, the post office told him that someone got hold of the master key.”

According to Ms. Gemmell, “My son’s ballot arrived, but mine didn’t. All the people that are registered political voters here in Arizona – all theirs were stolen. So we don’t know if it was targeting certain political parties to falsify their ballots.”

Ms. Gemmell said, “Even my parents at Maravilla” didn’t receive their ballots, referring to the boutique senior living community in Scottsdale. Ms. Gemmell told the Globe, “My parents have informed mail,” meaning they receive a scanned image of all the mail that’s on its way to their mailbox. The scan shows a ballot about to arrive but it wasn’t in the mailbox of her parents, who are both in their 90s.

The original source emailed Fox 10 to mention the story and apparently, the station sent a reporter over right away, though that story has yet to air.

On the shared mailboxes at McDowell Mountain Ranch, several notices have been posted that read:


Neighbors – Please take notice that mail was stolen from these mailboxes on Friday (10/18) and Saturday (10/19). A number of neighbors have been talking about not having any mail in their mailbox on those days.

Please report missing mail to the United States postal inspector. As of 10/19 this has not been resolved, whomever has access to these mailboxes, still has access.

Sandra Dangelo, the Executive Director at Maravilla in Scottsdale, could not confirm a source who reported missing mailed ballots. (Photo: Maravilla)

Arizona Globe spoke to Sandy Dangelo, the competent and chirpy Executive Director at Maravilla. She reminded the Globe of Bonnie DiCaprio, the competent and chirpy Executive Director at Green Grove on The Sopranos, who asks Tony’s mother, “Livia, did you ever hear the old Italian saying? My aunt used to go: ‘Col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta.'”

Ms. Dangelo denied hearing any reports of mail having been stolen or going missing at the assisted living facility.

“I haven’t heard a word,” Ms. Dangelo told the Globe in a phone interview today. “And we actually had somebody out a couple weeks ago in case anyone had any questions on registering to vote. I have no idea about it. I’m at a loss for words because I have not heard this and believe me, my residents don’t have any problem letting me know when there’s a problem.”

According to Ms. Gemmell, she is planning to report her parents’ missing ballots to Maravilla but hasn’t yet connected with Ms. Dangelo. “I was going to report it today. I tried calling her today and she wasn’t in yet. I’m over there every day to see my parents.”

The Globe is working to develop additional sources on the ground at Maravilla and elsewhere. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are experiencing similar ballot irregularities. Meanwhile, those who’ve had their mail-in ballots go missing can request a new ballot by calling the Maricopa County Recorder’s Main Downtown Office at 602-506-1511. But be prepared to wait — Ms. Gemmell says her sister sat on hold for over an hour before reaching a human being who promised to send a replacement ballot.

This close-up of the note tacked to the mailboxes speaks of a ‘CONFIRMED MAIL THEFT’
Ken Kurson
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