Home>Immigration>Border security>AZ State Sen. Carroll Condemns Biden Admin for Border and Energy Failures

Frank Carroll (c) stands with other legislators at the 2021 Made in Arizona Tour hosted by the Arizona Manufacturers Council at TYR Tactical in Peoria, Arizona, October 20, 2021. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

AZ State Sen. Carroll Condemns Biden Admin for Border and Energy Failures

Reiterates support for Israel, warns Arizonans to remain vigilant against potential terror threats

By Steve Kirwan, October 11, 2023 6:30 am

Arizona State Senator Frank Carroll (R-LD28) expressed his steadfast support for Israel while predicting potentially dire consequences due to Biden’s policy failures. In a press release dated 10/10/24, the Senator called for continued “unwavering support” for the U.S.’s closest Middle East ally, a viewpoint called into question by comments from members of “The Squad” after the deadly attack by Hamas last Saturday.

Sen. Carroll condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms, calling on Arizonans to likewise support Israel and to watch for possible terrorist activity at home, stating, “Arizonans should pray for our ally Israel, the lives lost and those in harm’s way. We also need to be vigilant in these trying times.” He continued, “To predict the future, one only needs to understand the past. The 20th century is rich in history about events that led up to the midcentury global conflict. Here we go again. It should be clear where this is heading. God help us.”

He also pointed out several specific policy failures that leave the state and the country more vulnerable. “The Biden Administration’s foreign policies have enabled and encouraged our enemies to act out aggressively against our allies,” the Senator stated. But it goes beyond President Biden alone.

“Democrats at the federal level have been denying the obvious about the intentions of dictators and terrorists. They’ve subjected our nation to destructive energy policies in the name of ‘climate change,’ as well as skyrocketing inflation and federal debt that is destroying the middle-class economy. Additionally, their open border policies have weakened the USA in protecting citizens against potential terrorist attacks. Porous borders have most likely aided Iran, China, and Russia to set up their agents inside our country.”

Senator Carroll, a reliable supporter of conservative Christian legislation, was elected to the AZ House of Representatives in 2018, replacing Representative David Livingston. Carroll successfully ran for the Senate, winning his current seat in 2022.

Steve Kirwan
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